For 91 Days in Curaçao

For 91 Days we lived on the island of Curaçao, in the southern Caribbean Sea. This small country is packed with beaches, great food, interesting excursions, and some of the friendliest people you'll ever encounter.
Whether you're planning your own journey to Curaçao, or just interested in seeing what makes it such a special place, our articles and photographs should help you out.

The Mansions of Scharloo

Found across the Waaigat Bay from Punda, Scharloo is the newest of Willemstad's four historic districts and, as evidenced by its abundance of stately mansions, was home to Curaçao's richest citizens. Today, the wealthy have moved on to other neighborhoods, but the mansions have remained.

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The Badlands of Curaçao

The inland region between Vaersenbaai and Grote Berg is known as Malpais, which can be translated as "The Badlands." Despite the rather uninviting name, we embarked on a hike through this undeveloped, uninhabited terrain, following the Biná and Jamanika trails, and ending with a swim at the secluded Boka Unico.

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Den Paradera of Dinah Veeris

It used to be that everyone's grandmother knew which herb to apply to a wart, or how to prepare a tea that might soothe an upset stomach. But, in today's modern age, we all just run to the pharmacy. Curaçao's Dinah Veeris sees the dangers of forgetting the ways of natural healing, and has made it her mission to preserve them.

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A Short Cliff Hike to Kokomo Beach

After visiting Boka Sami and the dilapidated Fort St. Michiel, we found a trail which leads up the hill and along the cliffs to Vaersenbaai, which is home to Kokomo Beach. A short, mildly strenuous walk through the woods, followed by incredible views from high above the Caribbean, and then cooling off in clear blue waters? Sigh, if only all our hikes were like this!

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Fort St. Michiel and Boka Sami

After visiting Boka Sami and the dilapidated Fort St. Michiel, we found a trail which led up the hill and along the cliffs to Vaersenbaai, home to Kokomo Beach. A short, mildly strenuous walk through the woods, followed by views over the Caribbean, and then cooling off in clear blue waters? Sigh, if only all our hikes were like this!

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The Salt Flats of Jan Thiel

The plantations of colonial-era Curaçao had it rough, because the island's arid ground makes it difficult to grow produce or raise livestock. How exactly were the unlucky Dutch landowners going to earn the fabulous fortunes for which they'd come to the New World? Many turned their eyes to something which Curaçao has in abundance: seawater. Or rather, the salt inside of the seawater.

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